
Monday, December 30, 2013

Music Monday: Rusty Clanton & Janie Evans

As I mentioned in my first holiday Music Monday post, I first heard She & Him when I saw Zooey Deschanel's version of "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve" on Youtube. I love that song. NYE is a magical night. The parties, the traditions, the elegance. It's a night to have fun, yet reflect on the year that has passed us by.

The last time I was dating someone during the holidays, I was away in Uganda. She spent NYE on Beale Street in Memphis, TN with our friends...I was in the jungle. I can't complain though...we actually managed to make our way into the capital city of Kampala for a little fun. We first prayed at the Nelson Mandella National Stadium and then partied it up in a pretty swanky nightclub thanks to some friends at Bacardi.

Anywho, everyone always stresses the NYE kiss. I stress about the year that has seemingly passed me by and wonder if I took advantage of every minute of every hour of every day.

But let's be honest...I like a good party too. Tomorrow I'll be ringing in the New Year with some close friends in Raleigh, NC. So I ask you this, what are you doing New Years Eve?

Well here is a great rendition of the song by Rusty Clanton and Janie Evans. Enjoy.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Music Monday: Daniel Ellsworth & Alva Leigh

We are another week closer to Christmas. It’s such an exciting time of year. All morning I’ve been emailing back and forth with my parents and siblings about the Christmas plans since my brother and I live out of state. It’s an exciting time to see family and friends.

I remember a few years ago, I was in Jinja, Uganda spending Christmas alone in a hotel room. My luggage wasn’t able to make the trip apparently and all I wanted was to be home. That Christmas changed my outlook on the holiday and being with family.

But this time of year means different things to different people. Religious or not, it’s a time to be cherished with loved ones. But what about those that have lost loved ones? Those spending the holidays in need or alone? It can be tough.

This week’s Music Monday post is “It’s Christmas, I Love You” by Daniel Ellsworth and Alva Leigh (Music City Unsigned Family Christmas). 

“…those who got time, well they’ve got time to lose. I’m sorry I’m not leaving here without you. Love, take your hands out from your winter coat and wrap them around me like we used to know. It’s that time of year, starting again. It’s Christmas, I love you. Please let me back in.”

The holidays are often a time for reflection. As we inch ever closer to the new year…we will all take a look back on the time that has seemingly passed us by. Are you where you wanted to be today, a year ago? This song speaks to me on that level in several ways.

So I leave you with this..

It’s Christmas, I love you. Please let me back in

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Southernism: Coke & Peanuts

A tradition that reminds me of summers growing up, an a southernism that makes my office of yankees cringe. Of course, I could only be talking about Coke & Peanuts.

Yesterday I was sitting at my desk with a bottle of Coke with a handful of peanuts in it and my colleagues refused to talk to me while I enjoyed this wonderful treat. I reckon I've found a way to get them to leave me alone when I'm busy.

My department consists of about 15 mid-twenty year old transplants from all over the country (and a Canadian, eh). This quirky snack had them all up in arms. "THAT IS NOT A THING!" They claimed. Yanks. If you google Coke & Peanuts, the FIRST result is the Coca Cola website. If that's not proof that it's a thing, I don't know what is.

But their inquisitive minds got me thinking. What is the origin of this odd, yet delicious combination? It appears that no one really knows. Many, however, believe that it stemmed mainly out of convenience for the hard southern workers. Need to keep working while you eat a snack? Driving? Smoking? Hands dirty from working on cars? This southernism allows you to keep one hand free while enjoying the sweet and salty duo.

I remember doing this when I was growing up. Our parents would drop us off at the pool for swim team practice every morning where we would stay until they got off work. I'd drop a handful of peanuts into a coke bottle so I didn't have to worry about my soaking wet, chlorine hands messin' with my peanuts.

 One summer in college, I worked in a small mountain town in Grundy County (kinda Middle/East TN). The days were hot and long and many afternoons were spent on the front porch of a civil war era hotel in a rocking chair with coke and peanuts.

Now this pairing has sprouted many interesting recipes like Coca Cola cake with Broiled Peanut Icing and my personal favorite: The Tallulah (coke, peanuts, and whiskey). So the next time your enjoying some peanuts, plop a few in your coke. You can thank me later!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Music Monday: Pentatonix

The Little Drummer boy has never really been one of my favorite. However, while I was sitting on Facebook the other day I kept seeing this video pop up on my newsfeed. It seemed as though everyone was posting it, so I gave it a listen. WOW! Talk about phenomenal! I love A Capella groups and this one was impressive. So I'll keep it short this week and let you go ahead and dive into this rendition of "Little Drummer Boy" by Pentatonix.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Drink This: Aged Whiskey

To say I love bourbon is an understatement. With so much variety out there, I love experimenting with new bottles. I'm excited about today's post because of a variety of reasons.

Reasons Bow Tie Gent Loves Today's Bourbon Post:

1. On this day 80 years ago, prohibition ended

2. Tips are pouring in regarding the missing Pappy Van Winkle

3. I love bourbon....

So here we go. Now we all know that I enjoy making things. I enjoy building, crafting, cooking, and infusing alcohol (see my post on habanero infused vodka for bloody mary's) Anywho, I went to one of my favorite bars last night, The Crunkleton, in downtown Chapel Hill, NC. It was pretty cozy last night with the Christmas decorations up, moose and deer heads on the wall and Christmas lights lining the streets outside. So I made myself comfortable in one of the oversized worn leather chairs positioned by the window and gazed outside at the passersby. I started out with my usual Old Fashioned, but later switched to a couple of glasses of Pappy Van Winkle (in his memory during these tough times). I love 20 year old Pappy, obviously. It doesn't get much better than that. I find it no coincidence, however, that the box of the month from Bespoke Post, aptly titled "AGED" is a whiskey aging kit.

It's simple: choose an unaged liquor, pour it into the aging kit, wait 10 days, and BOOM! This process changes the character and flavor, mellowing the taste. This kit takes a process that normally takes months, and gives you that barrel aged taste in just under 2 weeks!

So pour yourself a glass, turn on a Christmas movie, and enjoy a nice evening at home.

Now Playing: "Christmas Blues" by G. Love

Monday, December 2, 2013

Music Monday: She & Him

CHRISTMAS IS UPON US! I'm so glad I can finally say that. I'm a stickler for waiting until after Thanksgiving to begin the Christmas festivities. However, I must be honest and tell you that I did in fact put my tree up last weekend (that way it would already be up when I returned from my holiday traveling).

Anywho, I'm going to be doing Christmas songs for the next few weeks as the Music Monday posts. However, I'm going to try and mix it up a bit and expose you to some less mainstream versions. Now, I personally love Zooey Deschanel. In fact, in my first Music Monday post I compared Stacy Lantz to the actress. I think she has an extremely unique voice. So naturally, I really enjoy listening to She & Him.

She & Him is an indie duo consisting of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward. I remember the first time I heard She & Him was after a friend posted a video of Zooey singing with Joe Gordon-Levitt a song called "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?" and I began to seek out some other songs. So for this week I've selected "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas". This is probably my all time favorite secular Christmas song. ENJOY!